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Document Type : Research Paper


The General Directorate of Anbar Education / Ministry of Education / Anbar / Ramadi


Novel Imine were prepared via the reaction of (p-chloro and p-methyl)aniline with (p-nitro and p-methoxy) benzaldehyde and later engaged in a condensation reaction with 2-O-Acetylmalic anhydride in a dioxane as a solvent. The resulting products were found to be 1,3-oxazepine-1,5-diones and their derivatives. FT-IR , 1HNMR and C.H.N. spectra were used to confirm the structures of products. The antibacterial properties of these compounds were also examined. In this work, the new substituted 1,3- oxazepine-4,7-dione derivatives were prepared successfully by using various substituted Schiff's bases . The 1,3-oxazepines has been evidenced by spectral analysis. The substances' antibacterial efficacy against several types of bacteria was assessed, and they shown similar activity to that of conventional medications.Novel Imine were prepared via the reaction of (p-chloro and p-methyl)aniline with (p-nitro and p-methoxy) benzaldehyde and later engaged in a condensation reaction with 2-O-Acetylmalic anhydride in a dioxane as a solvent. The resulting products were found to be 1,3-oxazepine-1,5-diones and their derivatives. FT-IR , 1HNMR and C.H.N. spectra were used to confirm the structures of products. The antibacterial properties of these compounds were also examined


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